Photo shooting with VIMTEC and the fire department Großschönau/Waltersdorf
Pho­to shoot­ing with VIMTEC and the fire depart­ment Großschönau/Waltersdorf
May 2. 2016
Das war die GPEC 2016
VIMTEC at the GPEC 2016
June 22. 2016
Photo shooting with VIMTEC and the fire department Großschönau/Waltersdorf
Pho­to shoot­ing with VIMTEC and the fire depart­ment Großschönau/Waltersdorf
May 2. 2016
Das war die GPEC 2016
VIMTEC at the GPEC 2016
June 22. 2016

On the road with the VIMTEC MBE 1500. What must be considered?

On the road with the VIMTEC MBE 1500. What must be considered?

With the VIMTEC MBE 1500 you can trav­el faster than a truck on Ger­man high­ways thanks to the 100 km/h approval. How­ev­er, in order to be able to trans­port a trail­er at this speed, some require­ments must be met.

The tow­ing vehi­cle needs to have an antilock brak­ing sys­tem. The tires of the trail­er must be younger than 6 years and at least be rat­ed for 120 km/h. If the trail­er is equipped with brakes and shock absorbers – stan­dard for the MBE 1500 –   the max­i­mum weigh is set to 1.1 times more than the weight of the tow­ing vehi­cle. For addi­tion­al sta­bi­liza­tion of the MBE dur­ing the trans­porta­tion an anti-sway cou­pling has been installed. In con­trast to the tra­di­tion­al steel rims, alloy wheels pro­vide an even smoother ride and can be installed on request.

Last but not least, the 100 km/h plaque, issued and sealed by the traf­fic author­i­ty, must be mount­ed on the back of the trailer.

Anoth­er require­ment to trans­port the VIMTEC MBE 1500, is the pres­ence of the appro­pri­ate driver’s license.

Because the ful­ly equipped MBE 1500 weighs about 2.5 t, the trans­port with a nor­mal Euro­pean class B license is not per­mit­ted. How­ev­er, the license cat­e­go­ry BE or the for­mer class 3 is suf­fi­cient. BE license hold­ers are per­mit­ted to oper­ate a com­bi­na­tion of a nor­mal cat­e­go­ry B tow­ing vehi­cle and a trail­er, giv­en the max­i­mum autho­rized mass of 3.5 t is not exceed. The trail­er license BE costs only about 500 € in Ger­many. How­ev­er, charges may dif­fer among regions.

A trail­er, includ­ing the MBE, must also be approved at the vehi­cle reg­is­tra­tion office.

Since a few years, there has been no neces­si­ty to approve a trail­er in com­bi­na­tion with a spec­i­fied tow­ing vehi­cle. There­fore, a trail­er can be trans­port­ed with any car that meets the nec­es­sary requirements.