Trotz eisiger Temperaturen geht es bei uns BRANDHEISS zur Sache!!!
A hot show despite icy temperatures.
January 27. 2017
FeuerTRUTZ 2017
VIMTEC and Orglmeis­ter Infrared Sys­tems at the FeuerTRUTZ trade fair
March 3. 2017
Trotz eisiger Temperaturen geht es bei uns BRANDHEISS zur Sache!!!
A hot show despite icy temperatures.
January 27. 2017
FeuerTRUTZ 2017
VIMTEC and Orglmeis­ter Infrared Sys­tems at the FeuerTRUTZ trade fair
March 3. 2017

20th Euro­pean Police Congress

VIMTEC Europäischer Polizeikongress

20th European Police CongressTogeth­er with our part­ner FAST Pro­tect we were invit­ed to the 20th anniver­sary of the Euro­pean Police Conference.
This event is Europe´s lead­ing con­fer­ence-fair on home­land secu­ri­ty, which takes place at the Con­gress Cen­ter at Alexan­der­platz in Berlin.
The top­ic “Europe – bound­less? lib­er­ty, mobil­i­ty, secu­ri­ty “couldn’t be more suit­able for us because it is our goal to ensure a cer­tain degree of secu­ri­ty through the use of mobile sur­veil­lance technology.
Excit­ing dis­cus­sions and an exhi­bi­tion of var­i­ous inno­v­a­tive secu­ri­ty solu­tions made this event high­ly inter­est­ing for all guests.